
Emmy Noether

I’ve been neglecting the blog a little recently as I’ve been so busy elsewhere. That’s likely to continue for a few weeks yet but I have a queue of ideas lined up to post on when I get time to do more writing.

In the meantime check out this great article on Emmy Noether by Lee Phillips from Ars Technica. While I haven’t studied Physics beyond first year university level, I’m still a little ashamed to say that I’d never heard of her before reading that article. This woman should be a household name. Continue reading Emmy Noether

Oh no! Not Fractions!

This is part one in a series of posts on fraction arithmetic. The other posts can be found here:

Part Two

Fractions freak me out. Am I weird? Am I just too dumb to get it?


Out of every student I’ve ever tutored, at any level of maths study and ability, probably the single most common issue is fraction arithmetic. So you can at least be safe in the knowledge that you are far from being alone in being freaked out by fractions. Continue reading Oh no! Not Fractions!

What is a line and what isn’t?

With all these different types of line equations, how do I actually tell if an equation is a line or not?

This is a really good question. Usually it’s linear relationships (line equations in other words) that are the first type of relationship that you learn about when studying algebra. If you haven’t seen many other types of equations then you probably have very little to compare them to, so it can be difficult to see what it is that makes a line equation a line equation. Continue reading What is a line and what isn’t?