
  • Can I use your site on my non-brand-specific handheld device of indeterminate size? Yes, the site is fully responsive. It should be fully functional at all screen sizes.


  • How can I keep up to date with your new blog posts? You can find the RSS feed here, or follow @stevemathsnz on twitter, or subscribe to email notifications in the sidebar/header menu.


  • Is commenting open to everyone? Yes, there is no need to register/login to comment on blog posts or to post on the Q&A page.
  • Is commenting anonymous? If you want it to be. You are not required to enter an email address or name when commenting.
  • Are comments publicly viewable? Yes. So don’t post information about yourself or others that you or they wouldn’t reasonably want to be public knowledge, e.g. full names, physical addresses, etc. Be netsafe.
  • Are comments moderated? Yes. This site is intended to be used by students of all ages, children as well as adults. For that reason, all comments will be authorised by a site admin before they are published. Therefore you won’t see your comments show up on the site immediately. Expect a delay before your comment is published on the site.
  • Are comments filtered for spam? Absolutely. All comments go through a spam filter before the site admin even gets to see them. So try not to litter your posts with links to dodgy websites or anything else you’d reasonably expect a spam filter catch.

Content Ownership

  • Who owns the content on this site? Unless otherwise stated, all content (including any media) published on this website is the property of myself, Steve the Math Tutor.
  • What about stuff from other sites? If I use material from another source, I will do everything in my power to credit and link to the original source or at the very least, the intermediate source from which I obtained the material.

Privacy & Security

  • What information does the site retain on visitors? Like most other websites we maintain weblogs. These logs contain information such as your IP address, ISP, and browser, as well as how long you were on the site and which pages you visited.
  • Is my communication with the site secure? Pages where sensitive information is being transmitted, such as passwords via the login page, are protected by 256 bit SSL encryption.
  • Is my password stored safely? User passwords are not stored in plain-text form in our database. They are salted with randomly generated data and then stored in encrypted form.
  • So that’s all good then? Password secure? It’s as secure as I can reasonably make it. The best defense is to have sensible passwords. In particular passwords for sites with sensitive information should be unique. Don’t use the password you use for your banking site, for example, anywhere else. In the end, if someone were to obtain access to your account on this site, the damage they could do would be minimal. But if they could then use that same information to login to your banking website or your email account, the results could be very serious.